A Worthy Charity

A Worthy Charity

MyGunProtectsYourFreedom.com is a charity that is helping to defend the Second Amendment.  If you buy this $5 bracelet, $2 goes directly to the Sandy Hook School Support Fund.  The other $3 goes toward cost of materials and overhead and such.  Anyway, the purpose is to show that us gun owners actually want to help.  We mourn the victims of brutal attacks just like the rest of America.  However, what we do that others do not is we are our own first responders.  We take our safety into our own hands.  Some of us are willing to risk our own safety to protect our fellow citizens when no other help is nearby. We defend the defenseless and we do it not because it is our duty or our jobs, we do it because we care about our society.  We care about our neighbors.  When our fellow Americans are attacked, we step up to render aid any way we can.  In this case, we can help the families who were torn apart at the hands of a mentally disturbed person who used firearms to carry out his perversions.

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